A Rememberance for Clay

A celebration of life was held on August 31, 2008 in Lander, Wyoming. It was a beautiful day and many great folks were able to attend and help us remember a life well lived.

Some fun stories were told and if you have any additional stories involving Clay and his "whacky ways" we'd love to have you share them on this blog.

Here is a meditation prayer which beautifully summarizes our (and Clay's) wishes for all who were part of the celebration and read this blog.

May all beings be happy, content and fulfilled.
May all beings be healed and whole.
May all have whatever they want and need.
May all be protected from harm and free from fear.
May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease.
May all be awakened, liberated and free.

May there be peace in the world, and throughout the universe.

Search Efforts

For the official information on the search efforts please visit: http://clayrubanosearch.com/

Our special thanks to Margaret Goodro for setting up this site!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Update from Freemont County Sheriff's Office

It is still winter up on the mountain with snow forcasted for the rest of the week. Everyone is prepared to continue looking for Clay and giving the family and friends some closure. It is the intention of the Fremont County Sheriff's Office to cover the entire area again with Search Dogs when the weather warms up enough to effectively utilize the dogs. There is also a pretty strong local group of people that are on standby waiting for the right time. We cannot set a specific date as Mother Nature never tells us when it will thaw enough to search. We are wanting to get in the area prior to high water and as soon as reasonably possible. I believe it will probably be mid-May before we go, but if we get a very warm week, we will go asap. John Gookin of NOLS is our Search and Rescue Commander in Lander and John will run this search.

I spoke with Margaret Goodro about a month ago and she is planning on another search in early June. Margaret is the Chief Ranger in the Roosevelt Lake area. She will be the Incident Commander for that search and can be reached at phone 509-633-9441 or at e-mail
Margaret is very sharp and keeps the Sheriff's office in the loop of her plans and works very well with us.

In closing, I feel we have an excellent chance of recovering Clay. I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding in the matter.

Captain David Good
Fremont County Sheriff's Office
460 Railroad
Lander, Wyoming 82520
phone 307-332-1024